Hearold, leader of the Altimar-4 people, recently
visited a Californian artist to deliver an important
message. Inspired, the artist made a true-to-life plaster
sculpture of Hearold.
Altimar-4 environmental scientist Gene genetically
altered himself enough to survive on Earth, and is one of twelve
scientist volunteers
who underwent biological change so as to
work on Earth repairing Earth's faltering ecosystems damage.

"Kolta" is a Short Zeta from the binary
star Zeta Reticuli. Short Zetas are 4' to 4'9" tall,
have thin torsos, and no external nose, ears, or sex
Their hands have three long, non-tapering
fingers with fingernails and an opposable thumb.
Skin color is chalky white. Short Zetas are renown
for work with various forms of energy, physical and
psychic, using the energy to do healing or induce
changes in materials, etc. They staff a large portion
of ET group 'The Watchers' who observe Earth for
notable events. Short Zetas are the most often
seen Visitors during a human Close Encounter.
A Short Zeta pilot seen through his UFO windshield
hovering above Turkey.
His actual home world is star LHS288,
16 light years from Earth. [Some Short Zetas have migrated from
their home world on Zeta Reticuli-4. Not all live there now.]

A Short Zeta superimposed her image on the eye
portion of an enlarged photo of an experiencer

attending 2009 Allentown, PA Star Kids Workshop.

Sara and her sister, descendants of Saami
[Laplanders] who migrated 5 light years to
(Arctic Scandanavia) from Barnard's
Star in 940 B.C.

Anon Sa Ra is Councillor [leader] on 4th planet of star
Altair Aquila. Anon advises the U.S. National Security
Council on Star Persons [NHIs] and UFO matters.

An Onoogie, Short ET "Dwarf". They are valued
master technicians and repair persons on starships.

Star Visitor Photos page one

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