Pleiadian Envoys Asket and Pykzrlreq [photos below] are attractive human-looking people from Pleiades cluster star Taygeta's planet Erra, (444 light years). Pleiadians look human because human-looking Altair Aquila explorers developed colonies in the Pleiades (980,000 B.C.). It was Procyon-B scientists who genetically engineered the first humans ['Adam & Eve']. They used a mix of Altairian~Pleiadian and Earth-bonobo genes over centuries to refine the genetic engineering of Modern Human, Homo Sapiens Sapiens to be intelligent and sourced in Earth biology [185,000 BC]. No wonder Pleiadians take personal interest in human development since. After the 1947 Roswell UFO Crash focused human attention on space visitors, Pleiadians were the first space race to make broad contact with humans and inform us we have space neighbors. In the 1950s-1960s Pleiadians appeared to over ten thousand people on Earth and talked with them. This was the First Wave of "Space Brothers" contacts. In 1975 Pleiadian Asket [photo below] and her UFO crew landed a dozen times in northeastern Switzerland to speak with Zurich-Canton farmer Eduard 'Billy' Meier and let him photograph them and their UFO. Billy Meier's photographs caused a global sensation, but the DIA responded with an aggressive psy-ops campaign to intimidate people not to believe in UFOs. On Jan. 10, 2021 Star Nations sent Pleiadian envoy Pykzrlreq to President Trump to relay Star Nations' request to end the UFO Cover-Up. Pykzrlreq said this would pave the way for humans to realize they had cosmic family in space. Sadly Trump flinched, wouldn't end the UFO Cover-Up. Will Trump do so in his Second Term? We'll see...