1,483 Star Species have visited Earth in the past or are here now, as reported by Star Nations Council's leader Councillor of the Watchers. Some have come to Earth only a time or two to satisfy curiosity about how we look and behave. Other Star Visitors come here for more thorough engagement with the planet and its people. They come here in order to study humans, or how Human development on Planet Earth is proceeding. And some Star Visitors focus their study on Earth's ecosystem, and how well it is managing under human-caused stresses. This Report will not catalog all Visitors, because this Report focuses on the 26 non-human races who have most frequently visited Earth, and most frequently interacted with humans. These visits are part of the Star Nations preparing mankind to improve and make a proper place for itself in the galactic community of intelligent life.
[Note: Star Race. as used here, denotes various groups of Star Visitors (extraterrestrials, non-human intelligences) with varying appearances but mostly non-human.]
The physical appearances of various intelligent extraterrestrial races vary due to differing factors on their world-of-origin. One such factor is the indigenous animal type on their home planet from which they evolved. Or in other cases, the animal on their home world whose genes were borrowed and blended with a Star Race's genes to fashion a semi-indigenous intelligent race. The animal-genes foundation which genetic engineering builds on to fashion a semi-indigenous hybrid intelligent species can be: Primate, Amphibian, Reptilian, Avian, Insectoid, Cetacean, etc. Other factors are the physical characteristics of the planet on which they evolved, such as gravity strength, distance from their star, size and heat of their star, amount of surface water versus dry land mass, climate, abundance or scarcity of habitat and food, amount of natural background radiation, etc.
Most of the intelligent extraterrestrial races reported have the following features: a body built to function standing upright, with two arms, walking on two legs, and one head, mounted at the top of the torso . Their anatomy is endo-skeletal (bones inside) rather than on the outside (though the Gansplicoid race has an external skeleton) Like Humans they have jointed bones in both arms and legs. Extraterrestrial heads (skulls), and thus brains, are larger than humans'. Those extraterrestrial heads come in various shapes: oblong, ovoid, spherical, etc. Generally, head (and brain) size is a rough index of intelligence. This feature has led Dr. Boylan to joke wryly, "We Humans may be the pin-heads of the galaxy." (Wait! You're not laughing.)
Skin color and texture also varies widely anong star races.
Then there are also extraterrestrial, (and trans-dimensional) Non-Human Intelligence species who have evolved beyond having a physical body, and operate as essentially Pure Consciousness Beings.
Another source of variation among extraterrestrials is clothing. Many experiencers note that most Star Visitors don't wear clothing. And indeed most star races' bodies don't have breasts or external genitals. (Some experiencers have seen Zetas wearing possibly ceremonial long robes with hoods over their heads.) Experiencers have reported some other Star Visitors of various races do wear clothing styles we are familiar with, such as tunics, robes, close-fitting jumpsuits, dresses, trousers, or uniforms.
ACTUAL PHOTOS OF VARIOUS STAR VISITORS (PLUS REALISTIC DRAWINGS) CAN BE SEEN AT DR. BOYLAN WEBSITE, SECTION 1: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/VisitorPhotos.html [Five pages of Star Visitors (ETs) photos and images.]
26 STAR RACES ARE IDENTIFIED [BELOW] AS HAVING DONE MOST TO HELP HUMANS DEVELOP. Help included showing humans tools and basic technology, how to master basic agriculture and architecture, learning basic astronomy and its relationship with the seasons, as well as teaching basic spirituality and morality. HERE ARE THE NAMES [in alphabetical order], AND LOCATIONS OF THE STARS AND PLANETS sending their best Teachers to Earth over time to educate and uplift Humans.
ALTAIRIANS, Altair Aquila (Eagle) constellation people were mentioned by Dr. Michael Wolf, NSC consultant in his book The Catchers of Heaven . These Altairians are fair-haired, have high foreheads, are virtually indistinguishable from humans, except their skulls are notably taller and thus Altairians have larger foreheads (and bigger brains).
ANON SA RA is an Altairian leader who worked with Dr. Michael Wolf. Sa Ra is a Prince on his home world Altair-5; on Earth he is scientist-consultant on loan to the U.S. National Security Council (NSC). (You can see a photo of Anon Sa Ra at: www.drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/anonsaraaltairsystem.jpg ). Altairian Anon Sa Ra works in the NSC's subdivision specializing in extraterrestrial matters. Anon Sa Ra provides expert information, and serves pro-tem as a communications intermediary between Earth governments and Star Nations. (Anon means Prince in the Altairian language.) He is married, his wife Princess Sa Ra is a tall attractive stately blonde woman of 'Caucasian' appearance. In 2019, Princess Sa Ra attended the StarworksUSA Annual UFO Symposium at the Aquarius Resort in Laughlin, Nevada (Nov. 1-3). Dr. Richard Boylan sat in the auditorium row behind her close enough that he could have reached over and tapped her on the shoulder but did not out of respect for her privacy and safety, and because of the risk to her of being detained and placed in a secret government prison for extraterrestrials by security agents attending the Symposium.) Those plain-clothes security goons would have whisked her away into Cabal detention if they knew there was an extraterrestrial person in attendance.
BUDDHA and JESUS (Yeshua ben Yosef) are two other notable Altairians who need no introduction, their names familiar to most. Both traveled to Earth and taught here, and their teachings have become world famous. BUDDHA is an Altairian who in 583 BC came to Earth from Altair Aquila (Eagle) Constellation's star Altair [1239 LY distant] to teach. Buddha's home world is star system CoRoT-8' second planet's third moon. Buddha grew up in India as a prince, who after tiring of palace life, walked away from royal trappings to engage in solitary meditation and self-development. Experiencing enlightenment, Buddha then began public outreach as an unpretentious but gifted spiritual teacher. He taught simple principles, such as the Eight-fold Path, for leading a good and centered life.
JESUS is another Altairian and a Teacher who came from the heavens and began life in what is now the State of Palestine. Jesus's home world is on planet Fortitudo orbiting star Xi Aquilae, in the Altair Aquila constellation, 204 light years distant. When Jesus returns from Fortitudo to Earth (@ 2024), he will be traveling in an advanced starship. The trip will short-cut through hyperspace and take less than three minutes. Once again he will be bringing his simple message of love, peace, justice, compassion and brotherhood of man. He will thus reclaim the simple core truths and principles he previously taught from the elaborate and distorted "Christianity" religion falsely ascribed to him.
"SEMITICS" are Jesus's race and live in the star Xi Aquilae system. National Security Council consultant Dr. Michael Wolf described them as being of average height and overall human-like in appearance with noses having a distinctive hook. Whistleblower Dr. Muchael Wolf says, "The 'Semitics' were the race which landed at Holloman Air Force Base, NM in the 1960's, and conversed with some generals there."
"NORDICS" are another human-looking star Altair race whom Dr. Wolf worked with at the National Security Council, and at the S-4 Laboratory south of Area 51, Nevada. These Nordics are also Altairians. Dr. Wolf said, "The Semitics are from [the Altairian colony in] the Pleiades, and Nordics come from star Altair's 4th and 5th planets."
ALTIMARIANS. There are three races living on separate large moons in the Altimar star system. All these Altimarians look more Human-like than some other star races, (for instance the Zetas.)
ALTIMAR-3 PEOPLE [Variant Altimarians] live on the third moon of Altimar, a large gaseous red-brown dwarf star. Earth astronomers only discovered this cool dwarf sub-star in 2014, even though it is only 7 light years away and is fourth closest sub-star to our Sun! Altimar has four times the mass of Jupiter, yet not quite enough to burn as a full star. When scientists aimed an infrared telescope at Altimar, the images suggested evidence of water clouds in Altimar's atmosphere. And yes, there is intelligent life on three of Altimar's six moons. (Earth astronomers give this substar the astronomical catalog designation: WISE 0855-0714). The people on Altimar's third moon have been dubbed Variant Altimarians by Dr. Boylan. They vary in height from 5'2" to 6'4" tall. The Variant Altimarians are mostly human-looking beings, but with a substantially larger head compared to the human head, but not as proportionally large as a Zeta head. The Variant Altimarians have large dark oval eyes, smaller than Zetas' eyes. Variant Altimarians have a thin frame and limbs, and hands with four long bone-less cartilaginous fingers, which end in a rather ordinary fingertip shape and don't taper.
The best known Altimar-3 persons to us are Mary, Jesus's mother, and her mother Hannah. Like Mary (Jesus's mother), her mother Hannah also was born on the red dwarf star Altimar's third moon, dubbed Altimar-3. Hannah traveled to Earth and entered into marriage with a Jewish man, Joachim. Hannah had difficulty getting pregnant. Then she was visited by an "Angel", a medical expert from Altimar-3, who did energy work on her and then informed Hannah that she was going to have a baby, Miriam (Mary). Mary incarnated into a human body on Earth 2000 years ago. Mary was born and grew to age 17, when she was visited by the same Altimar-3 medical-expert "Angel" who visited Hannah. The 'angel' informed Mary she was going to have a son, Yeshua (Jesus) who would grow up to be a great person. Mary and her consort Joseph raised Jesus. Mary outlived her martyred son, and went on to support his Apostles in their evangelization work for two decades afterwards.
Two other intelligent races live on Red-Brown Dwarf Star Altimar's 4th and 5th large moons.
PEOPLE on ALTIMAR-4 [Altimarians] are one of these races, , and called simply "the Altimarians". They live on gaseous planetoid Altimar's 4th large moon. The Altimar-4 race look somewhat similar to the Altimar-3 people, but are a bit taller, with heights in the 5'8" to 6'11" range. It can give a good idea of the nobility of these Altimar-4 people that They graciously sent their top 12 environmental scientists to Earth in 2008 to quietly work on remediating the environmental damage which Humans have been doing to Gaia/Mother Earth. This Altimar-4 scientific team hopes to work jointly with Earth scientists on environmental projects once it is safe for the Altimarians to come out into the open as extraterrestrial and work collaboratively. We can hope that day comes soon after Earth's governments admit Star Visitors are here, harmless, and have friendly intentions.
In 2016 the rest of their fellow Altimar-4 people evacuated from home to Earth with permission, relocating from their increasingly unstable star-system.
ALTIMAR-5 PEOPLE constitute a third race, living on Altimar's 5th moon. These people look similar to those of Altimar-4, but notable for their exceptional spiritual and philosophical development. The Altimar-5 race sent two of their best people to Earth to teach Humans elevated ideas about philosophy and morality. The first of these Altimar-5 spiritual-development teachers is the Star Person Master Teacher known on Earth as Quan Yin . She incarnated on Earth around 700 B.C. as a Chinese woman. She was known as the bodhisattva* of compassion (*being of enlightened existence). Quan Yin is viewed as the very embodiment of the compassionate loving kindness which she taught. She is revered by Taoists, Confucians and Buddhists alike. After her death, 120 years later Quan Yin chose to reincarnate as a male, Lao Tse, exceptional philosopher teaching Taoism.
This male reincarnation of Quan Yin, Lao Tse [Tzu], was born about 580 BC. He was a famous revered teacher in ancient China. Traditionally considered the originator of Taoism, Lao Tse wrote the immortal philosophical classic the Tao Te Ching: Book of Changes. Lao Tse taught that underlying all reality is the Tao, the dynamic unfolding of all things, which is itself a manifestation of God~Source~First Principle. Lao Tse described the Tao as ever-evolving, and as embracing change within the larger matrix of a constancy - truth. He taught that wrong behavior came from a person's Being Out Of Harmony With The Tao. Simplicity, Not Being Pushed by Desires, and Humility are all signs of a person's Being in Harmony With the Tao: a practice he taught as so important to cultivate for seekers of truth and peace .
ANDROMEDANS live on two of the planets of star Sterrennacht (HAT-P-6f) in the Andromeda constellation, 10 light years distant. Their appearance is fairly human-like except their heads are taller and oblong, their faces are pale and hairless, no nose is present, their mouth is a narrow slit, their eyes are all black, and their body frame is somewhat chunky. Their leader, Asheoma Te Ka Meata is his people's Councillor on the Star Nations Council. [An image of an Andromedan is at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/asheomatekameata.jpg ] Councillor Asheoma and his people live on one of the star systems in the Andromeda Galaxy. Asheoma is a master of quantum-enabled space-time travel and of telepathy, which he uses to provide information. He gives frequent counsel to Wendi Powers, key member of the Star Nations-Earth Team led by Dr. Boylan.
ARCTURIANS are a star race living on a planet orbiting a Red Giant star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes ('Herdsman'), 36 light years from Earth. For a long time they have been the object of fanciful (and wrong) descriptions by sci-fi writers. In reality the Arcturians' appearance is a cross between Pleiadian [human-like] with a few Zeta features. They have human-looking faces and bodies, but fewer fingers and toes. Most notable are their eyes, which are solid black in color but smaller than Zetas' eyes. Their skin color is chalky white. Both sexes apply a reddish color to their lips which provides contrast with their white faces. Their bodies are more delicate in appearance. They don't have any facial or axillary hair. They have white scalp hair which is profuse, worn quite long, and has an extremely fine texture. The Arcturians range in height from 4'10" to 5'3". They have pronounced ESP and psychic abilities and are very telepathic. They often use mental power to accomplish major physical tasks, i.e. by using telekenesis and teleportation. They are strongly spiritually oriented.
Arcturians have visited Earth a number of times but are not as 'Frequent Flyers' to Earth as some other races (such as Zetas and Altairians). The Arcturians are a member society of Star Nations Alliance.
Councillor Kuuct, a female Elder, is their representative on Star Nations Council. A photo of Councillor Kuuct is at: https://drboylan.com/Arcturian CouncillorKuuct.jpg The Arcturians' visits to Earth have been selective, few, and strategic. But the Native Americans of the U.S. Southwest have particularly benefited from their visits. This is the place to tell a special story of Arcturians showing compassion and using showmanship to help certain Pueblo Indian tribes of the American Southwest. From 1540 on for many decades the Zuni, Hopi, Acoma and Laguna Pueblo peoples of present-day New Mexico were subjected to invasions from Mexico by successive waves of violent ruthless Spanish conquistadors and soldiers. The Arcturians noted the suffering this caused, felt compassion, and decided to do something about it. The Arcturians are a shorter people (like 16th-Century Pueblo Indians were) and wanted to avoid violence from the soldiers. So they devised intimidating disguises to wear to frighten the superstitious soldiers and scare them away. The Arcturians adopted an 8-foot-tall costume comprised of a rigid outer conical shell covered with white fabric and triangular symbols, a bear-fur ruff around the neck, a face mask with black spooky bulging eyes, an 18-inch-long beak of wooden slats whose upper and lower halves would open and shut repeatedly with a harsh eerie clacking sound, two black cow horns, and a full-feathered war bonnet. These towering figures, called Shalakos, would show up at dusk at the edge of the Zuni Pueblo village and march to the central kiva chamber. The superstitious Spanish soldier occupiers were terrified by these apparitions and fled. These Shalako visits of intimidation were repeated at Hopi, Acoma, and Laguna Pueblo villages. Word spread, and soon all the Pueblo Indians were animated to rise up and together drove the demoralized 'conquistadors' from their lands.
You can see online an Image of Shalakos arriving at the Zuni Village. Go to: https://drboylan.com/shalakosarrive.jpg
DOLPHINS, WHALES, PORPOISES [CETACEANS] were placed on Earth by Short Zeta Reticulans 150,000 years ago from their home Tau Ceti-e [PxP-4 ot f1] orbiting Earth's nearest sun-like single star Tau Ceti 12 light years away. Whales, dolphins and porpoises are highly intelligent, social, telepathic, communicative, playful, and friendly (typically) aquatic star species. Thus they are correctly considered additional high-intelligence races living on Earth, deserving to be treated as such. So, not all Non-Human Intelligence beings reside outside Earth!
[In 1960 astronomers searched "unsuccessfully" [sic] for any signs of intelligent life on Tau Ceti's planets but they failed to look under the water surface of Tau Ceti's planets, where cetaceans live and swim!]
[Personal Note : Dr. Boylan developed a dolphin buddy, Kibby living at Dolphin Research Center, Grassy Key, Florida. On a memorable visit she swam across the pool, surfaced and engaged him, balancing on her tail fins and looking into his face for two minutes reading his mind in telepathic communication! *** The astronomers were wrong! Some Tau Ceti planets do harbor intelligent life. For example, both Mantis humanoids and dolphins live on Tau Ceti-g. And we are blessed to have some of both come here to Earth.
GANSPLICOID STAR PEOPLE [Pisceans] come from star GJ 1286, in the constellation Pisces. Hopi Indians call them the 'ANT PEOPLE' because they are tall, extremely-thin persons with an ovoid head of medium size, whitish emaciated-looking bodies with an exo-skeletal bony rib structure showing through skin prominently, and have long bony limbs. They are gifted teachers. Gansplicoids have visited the Hopi and Zuni Pueblo Indians many times, entering their underground Kiva ceremonial chambers to give spiritual teachings and other star knowledge. The Gansplicoids are recalled and revered in Hopi and Zuni annual spiritual ceremonies.
The Aborigines of Australia and the Maori of Aotearoa (New Zealand) have also been visited and taught by the Gansplicoid "Ant People'. The Aborigines call the Gansplicoids 'MiMi', and consider them shy but beloved teachers.
HUMANS (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) [Earthlings], [indigenous to Earth]. Yes, we Humans are Earthlings but also a star race! One of many, to be sure. But consider: for those living elsewhere who become aware of us, we humans are 'extraterrestrials' to them. Over a million years ago Procyon B star system scientists first came to Earth and started the very patient and prolonged process of genetically engineering an intelligent race native to Earth. These Procyon-B genetic engineers turned to the Altairian race (star Altair Aquila) to borrow genetic material samples for use in bio-engineering an intelligent species indigenous to Earth: Humans. They spliced some genes of a fairly intelligent Earth primate, the bonobo ('slender chimpanzee') into an Altairian genome (from Altair Aquila). Over many many iterations, the Procyon-B genetic scientists finally arrived at a hybrid genome constituting a fairly intelligent primate, Homo Sapiens Sapiens. This intelligent primate's make-up is substantially native to Earth, but also has some of the marked intelligence of members of a senior star race, Altairians. Modern scientists give this hybrid genome the species name Homo Sapiens Sapiens, (Modern Human). Thus it is no coincidence why Humans look so similar to Altairians, and also similar to the Pleiadians, people of the Pleiades star system, which eons earlier was itself colonized and populated by people from Altair Aquila star system. We humans are fortunate that the Procyon-B star people who genetically engineered our ancestors chose genetic samples from such philosophically and spiritually advanced races as the Altairians, and their colonists in the Pleiades, the Pleiadians.
JAWAS' [YZ Cetians] are Star Visitors living on two out of three planets of red dwarf star YZ Ceti, aka Luyten 725-32 [12 light years from Earth]. These star people are called Jawas after the Star Wars movie figures, spooky hooded monk-robed creatures. This group is distinguished by their clothing. They wear rough brown monkish hoods and robes, are generally short (three to four-and-a-half feet tall), and their faces are concealed by the shadows thrown by their long hoods. Sometimes there is a much taller hooded and robed one on board their UFO who often stands to the Experiencer's left as s/he lies on a medical examining table. This Tall One appears to direct the procedures, and often is the one who telepathically communicates with the Experiencer. A few Experiencers say they saw glowing eyes under the "Jawas'" hoods, but this is conflated memory from the movie "Jawas". Councillor Meata of Star Nations Council says that the Jawas often serve as spacecraft mechanics and noted for their technology expertise.
LIBRANS are a short, slight-build, somewhat human-looking species with large hairless heads and black sloping eyes twice Human size, living on the only planet of a cool (80 degrees F) dwarf star, WISE 1541-2250 in the constellation LIBRA, 19 light years from Earth. Esxltanso is the Librans' leader. She volunteered to head a small delegation to Earth, and now works in Washington, DC as a National Security consultant, providing information on star peoples and perspective on space matters of concern to Earth. [You can see a photo of Esxltanso at: https://www.drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/VisitorsPhotos4.html ] She is an honored guest of the United States as a space peoples' societies expert. Dr. Stacey Dixon, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, took Esxltanso's photo in the National Security TOP SECRET-ULTRA SCIF at Defense Intelligence Agency's Collaborative Analysis Center at Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, [Washington, DC Beltway].
MANTIS~PRAYING MANTIS PEOPLE~MANTOIDS~ESTICANS are a highly-intelligent race with a mix of human and insectoid features. They remind some people of a Praying Mantis insect's looks. This mild-mannered race are quite intelligent, gentle-spirited, and highly-spiritual people. They have long, narrow faces, with long, narrow large eyes sharply slanted upward and outward in an almost narrow-V position, giving an appearance some think resembles Earth's praying mantis bug. This comparison is heightened by the Esticans' appearance: narrow long torsos, long thin arms which are usually crooked into a sharp bend at the mid-joint, with the hand and fingers sloping almost vertically downward from the wrist, and legs bent in a slightly crouched pose. Their body movement at times can seem "hyper" and jerky like an insect's. The Esticans have both male and female sexes. Esticans live on Tau Ceti-e, 6th planet of star Tau-Ceti, 12 light years far. Tau Ceti has eight planets, two harboring intelligent life. The Estican Star People we see are from the 2nd planet, which they call Estica, and which our astronomers call Tau Ceti-g. Tau Ceti-C also has intelligent life, aquatic (cetaceans). But only the people of Tau Ceti-6 (g) [Estica] have sufficiently-advanced intelligence development to have become a space-faring society. They have sent out emissaries to visit other worlds, including Earth, and coach those they find in spiritual development. Andromedan Councillor Asheoma Te Ka Meata says that the Estica-g people are gifted with a rich understanding of the core cosmic Spiritual Teachings (11 Universal and 11 Spiritual Principles) and their applications. Esticans visit humans particularly when this kind of spiritual understanding is needed. In the past these beings were often called 'Angels' by humans because the long, flowing, very shiny garments Esticans wear, and because of the lofty teaching and advisory role they take. [An image of an Mantis person/Estican can be seen at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/xeleria-tauceti-7.jpg ] __
Full disclosure: Dr. Boylan would be remiss if he did not mention his lifelong mentor Zeleria, a Tau Ceti-g Estican [Mantoid] star woman guide, who has offered him unfailingly-correct spiritual guidance and nudges for eight decades.)
MUTANT-HUMANS~TALL ZETAS~TALL ZETA RETICULANS [a misnomer] are an intelligent race indigenous to Earth but since the global nuclear war in 2027, had to leave Earth's deadly radiation and live elsewhere. 'Tall Zetas' do not originate from Zeta Reticuli at all. Rather they are Johnny-Come-Lately refugee mutants who migrated from Earth to Zeta Reticuli after Earth became totally irradiated and uninhabitable. Mutant-Human 'Tall Zetas' are 5-3/4 to 7-1/2 feet in height. They're much taller than the real Short Zetas, who range in height from 3-1/2 to 4-3/4 feet tall. 'Tall Zeta' mutant humans have hands with four fingers and a thumb. Tall Zetas have informed some Human experiencers that the Tall Zetas we see on Earth are actually time-traveling messengers, heavily-radiation-mutated Humans-from-the-future, irradiated in the Earth Nuclear War of 2027, and descendants of those mutant humans. They're here to warn us not to start that terrible global Nuclear War. Tall Zetas are human survivors whose bodies have mutated from persistent nuclear radiation damage, changing their anatomy and appearance dramatically into what we call 'Tall Zetas'. These heavily-irradiated human survivors eventually moved to habitable worlds orbiting other stars, such as binary star Zeta Reticuli, whose indigenous inhabitants the Short Zetas graciously invited human survivors to share their planet with them. _A small minority of hardy Tall 'Zetas' even opted to time-travel back to pre-Nuclear-War Earth and set up a Base on our Moon and keep an eye on pre-WW III Humans and our worrisome nukes. When we see a Tall Zeta today, we can see what the Human race in the future will look like, horribly mutated by nuclear war IF we allow global nuclear war to happen in the 2020s and ruin Earth. We must not!
Andromeda Councillor Asheoma Meata says that the Tall Zetas are very gifted teachers. Indeed, noted author Whitley Streiber describes in his book "The Secret School: Preparation For Contact" that it was a female Tall Zeta who taught him as a child along with selected other young human children in San Antonio, Texas at night in a wooded grove in a kind of educational group close-encounter. (To not jolt the children too much she disguised her appearance to look like a Catholic teaching nun.) You can see what a living mutant-human 'Tall Zeta' looks like by viewing a 3-minute video clip leaked from NSA vaults and released to the public by whistleblower/ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden. In this video clip Tall Zeta 'EBE-3' is being interrogated by NSA officers. [See that 3-min. video clip at: https://youtu.be/h4-KzZe9IpQ ]
NOMMOS aka BAUESTIGAS are highly-intelligent, gentle, telepathic amphibian humanoids with human-size firm upper torso with nervous system, muscles and bones, and a lower torso with hermaphroditic genitalia, powerful legs and webbed feet. Their head has gills around the ear canal openings to filter oxygen from the water to travel through their eustachian tube to the lungs for breathing during extended periods underwater. Their skin has scales. Their preferred living environment is still brackish water, but they can walk on land. Their overall appearance is part-human, part-amphibian. Nommo and some other Bauestigas have visited Earth numerous times, concentrating their teaching efforts on the Dogon people living in Niger River Delta region of Mali, northwest Africa. The Nommos taught the Dogon that they come here from the bright trinary star system Sirius.The Nommos~Bauestigas' planet orbits Sirius-B in that trinary system.These revered visiting Star Teachers are honored in Dogon ritual dances as 'the Nommos'. [Nommo may have been the inspiration for Gill Man, the "Creature From the Black Lagoon" in that 1954 sci-fi movie.] [Three Nommos~Bauestigas and three Gansplicoids (Ant Men) were on a starcraft sight-seeing the scenic U.S. Southwest northwest of Aztec, New Mexico from 29,000 feet on Mar. 25, 1948 when it was shot down by Star Wars weapons, killing all six.]
ONOOGIES, "Wrinkled Dwarves", {Herculeans],, are short, heavy-built Star Visitors with squarish head and wrinkled brow and are another Star Visitor species sometimes seen visiting Earth. The Onoogies [Dwarves] come from Gliese 686 in the constellation Hercules. The Onoogies are gentle and kind Star Visitors with the appearance of a storybook Dwarf. They have wise shy smiles. The Onoogies have multi-dimensional abilities. They often join the crew on a star craft and assist when their expert skill with maintenance and repair is needed. Star Nations Council member Asheoma Meata says that the Onoogie Star Visitors often serve as the mechanics in a mixed-races crew on a starcraft, and are noted for their expertise with technology. They are lovely retiring people whose faces some humans might consider ugly, but then beauty is relative, and it is a big universe. [You can see an accurate drawing of an Onoogie at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/derali-onoogieshortsv.jpg ].
"ORBS", aka ORB-SHAPED NON-HUMAN-INTELLIGENCES (NHIs), aka LUMINOUS ENERGY BEINGS (LEBs), ARE AN INTELLIGENT OFTEN-RADIANT ENERGY SPECIES NOT HAVING A SOLID BODY. ORBS~LIGHT ENERGY BEINGS are sometimes detected by the mass of faint light (round, or with irregular edges) surrounding them. ORBs~LIGHT ENERGY BEINGS can sometimes be noticed by their effect on an object, moving or lifting it, or by raising or lowering the temperature in a room, or by creating an ambient sound. [ORBs/LEBs differ from PURE-CONSCIOUSNESS BEINGS (PCBs).]
PURE-CONSCIOUSNESS BEINGS, aka PCBs, are invisible, intangible, have no physical, luminous, nor other energy presence, and often the only sign of their presence is when a PCB emanates a feeling-of-presence which is noticed by a person nearby, or when a PCB initiates or replies to a telepathic communication, or when the PCB reveals their presence by moving or affecting something (such as television or radio reception or channel-changing, or alerting a sleeping pet.)
Both types of Non-Physical Intelligences (LEBs/ORBs and PCBs) have consciousness, personality, are aware, selectively communicative, telepathic [try it], and can be interactive (selectively) with an observer. Also, when a person is visited by an Angel, or a deceased family member, or by a poltergeist, or has a religious figure apparition, this can be considered contact by a LEB/ORB or by a PCB, depending on how solidly that Visitor manifests themself. Even people who have a physical close encounter with one or more Extraterrestrials can have a follow-up visit which is non-physical in one of the ways listed above. [Photos of Orbs are at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/orbs.jpg ]
PLEIADIANS are a very Human-appearing race, a tall handsome blonde, light-skinned space people. Pleiadians sent Pykzrlreq, a handsome youthful-looking Pleiadian male Elder who looks quite 'human', to Earth as their Envoy to try to convince a U.S. President [Trump] to end the UFO Cover-Up. To see a photo of Pykzrlreq at the White House Oval Office talking to President Trump, go to: https://www.drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/VisitorsPhotos4.html Pykzrlreq comes from Pleiades star cluster's 4th planet, Taygeta (444 light years distant). Pleiadian Envoy Pykzrlreq was sent to the White House Oval Office in early 2021 to speak to then lame-duck President Trump about ending the UFO Cover-Up to advance human progress by fostering public awareness of our cosmic family. Sadly the UFO Cover-Up continued. Current President Joe Biden ordered the start of a 'gradual' Disclosure of UFO and ET Reality, which proceeds in fits and starts.
Pleiadians look so human because it's actually the case that we look Pleiadian. Altairians were colonizers of the Pleiades, and lso have a very 'human' look. And because the scientists from Procyon-B who bioengineered the first humans ("Adam & Eve") used Altairian genes to make the original ET/star person-bonobo-hybrid human, the resulting look was what we today call 'human'. The 'human' look in our genes is actually an Altairian-Pleiadian-Nordics look [to be technical]. Over several decades the Pleiadians have offered guidance to humans. After the 1947 UFO Crash at Roswell, Pleiadians were the first to try to make humans aware of our star race neighbors by appearing to over ten thousand humans and talking to them during the 1950s-'60s. This was the so-called 'Space Brothers' Wave of ET contacts.
Two million years ago, planets of three stars in the Pleiades star cluster: Electra, Maia, and Tygeta [444 LY from Earth] were colonized by human-looking Altairians from star Altair Aquila. After the Roswell UFO Crash in 1947, the Pleiadians were the first star race to send visitors to Earth in generous numbers to show themselves to Humans in the 1950s and 1960s and let humans know they are not alone in the universe. The Pleiadians sometimes gave help to humans they showed themselves to. They often also provided information about themselves. Their message was one of friendship. Soon after the 1947 Roswell UFO Crash announcement woke people up to the reality of space visitors, Pleiadians were the most reported race by peopler having close encounters. Sometimes called "Nordics", these Star Visitors are virtually indistinguishable from a Scandinavian-American human. Councillor Asheoma Meata of Star Nations Council has commented about the Pleiadians that they are especially gifted in medicine. When experiencers are brought onto spaceships for physical treatment, a number of times it is a Pleiadian who does the medical work. Native American and some other indigenous peoples' traditions trace their origin to the Pleiades star cluster, as the star world from which Native people believe they too originated long ago. Zulu oral history tells the story of a white-skinned man and a woman coming down from the sky on a cloud [UFO] and alighting upon a hilltop. These people were white and their body suits shiny and had 'hair of gold' (blonde). The Star Visitors whom the Zulus referred to were Pleiadians. Zulu legend says that their 'huts' [UFOs] are thatched with 'shining grass' (sun-reflecting bright smooth metallic glowing UFO fusilage features) and their village is said to be 'lit by a mightier light than any on this world'. UFO Cover-Up propaganda operatives often used mocking language to refer to the Pleiadians as 'Space Brothers', as though that were a bad thing. (AFOSI, get a life!)
PROCYON-B RACE: is a 10 million years-old intelligent race live on star
Procyon-B in the constellation Canis Minor [Small Dog] (11 light years from Earth). Their appearance is similar to that of the Altimar-3 star race: in general a human-like body with two arms slightly longer than humans, two legs, hands with multiple prehensile fingers, a narow elongated neck, and a head 50% larger than human, with a very pronounced skull fissure extending down in a shallow V from skull crown a third of the way to eye level. They have black eyes twice human size with no eyelids. The race has male and female sexes who operate in an egalitarian manner, such as staffing spaceship crews. The Procyon-B people are highly intelligent and spiritual. For example they interpret the cosmic 11:11 Spiritual Principles of Family and Life to suggest the value of introducing conscious life onto suitably evolved planets that have an active biological system but not intelligent life. Procyon-B Star Visitors came to Earth about 275,000 B.C.E. following their understanding of God/Source's intentions for planets without highly-intelligent species. They fashioned Homo Sapiens (Original Human) by splicing together Earth primate (Bonobo) genes with some extraterrestrial (Altairian) genes. Dissatisfied with their early results, they did further genetic engineering, arriving around 185,000 B.C.E. at Homo Sapiens Sapiens - Modern Man. The Star Visitors then taught these Modern Humans some basic facts and truths, laying a fondation for early human civilization.
One Procyon-B male went further: reincarnating three times on Earth, first as 'Angel Gabriel' appearing to Mary and telling her she would have a son named Jesus. The second time he adopted the appearance of a Palestinian Jew, Joseph, who was a consort to Mary~Miriam, and foster father of her baby Yeshua (Jesus), and helped her raise him. Five centuries later in a third iteration, Gabriel appeared to prophet Muhammad multiple times during meditation as 'Angel Jibril', and taught Muhammad the fundamentals of monotheism and good moral conduct, which would become the basis of Muhammad's teachings (later coming to be called the Quran of Islam.)
PROXIMA CENTAURIANS are Star People living on one of star Proxima Centauri's two inhabited planets, Proxima Centauri-B and Proxima Centauri-C, both harboring highly-intelligent life. Proxima Centauri is the smaller twin of binary star Alpha Centauri, our nearest [4 LY] stars.
Proxima Centauri-B Envoy ZUTUMA is a volunteer helping Earth. Proxima Centauri persons have no hair, have large heads with a pronounced brow ridge and cheek bones, large elongated slanted ovoid eyes with black eyeballs having a nictating membrane beneath the eyelids, are of muscular build, and have chalky-white skin. In April, 2024 she began work in the government project to help accustom select officials to what actual extraterrestrials look like. Zutuma has been introduced to high-ranking U.S. Senators and Congressmembers, as part of Congressional Intelligence Briefings on extraterrestrial reality. A video of Zutuma (very recent visitor to Earth) can be seen at: https://x.com/UFO_X_/status/1792443394700062816.
Proxima Centauri-C people are also a space-faring race. Their Leader ZIUXLIFRL has been a past visitor to Earth. S/he [unisex] is 5'4" tall, humanoid, has bulbous black eyes, a combined respiratory-circulatory [heart-lung] organ, and a face with combined nose-mouth snout. In 1991 s/he and four crewmates traveled to Earth to surveille Michael Army Air Field at the Dugway Proving Ground complex at Tooele, Utah, which are holding captured living ETs, ET corpses, and seven UFOs. Ziuxlifrl's spacecraft was shot down while over Michael AAF by a hidden EMP Cannon. S/he was the only survivor of the crew of five. Moved to Area-51, Ziuxlifrl was videotaped while being medically examined at Papoose Lake National Laboratory, S-4. [A video clip (URL below) shows S-4's doctors attempting medical intervention on Ziuxlifrl.] S/he remained in obvious severe breathing distress. Medical intervention with Ziuxlifrl was unsuccessful. S/he ceased breathing and died. _However, medically-skilled ETs also present at Area 51 were quickly summoned, and resuscitated her. Ziuxlifrl was then returned her to her home world, Proxima Centauri-C. Ziuxlifrl has no hard feelings and remains determined to create a peaceful connection with Earth. Ziuxlifrl was later selected by Star Nations to conduct the First Official Diplomatic Visit to Earth by a Star Nations Representative. This occurred in June, 2024 when Ziuxlifrl telepathically connected and conferred with Councillor Richard Boylan, Earth's official Representative to Star Nations.
_[You can see a Video clip of Ziuxlifrl being interviewed at Area-51 at: https://x.com/TheRedactedInc/status/1683257181708201984 Start viewing clip at TIME: 6 mins., 30 secs. [where Ziuxlifrl is first shown)]
"REPTOIDS" aka ("REPTILIANS") are another race with distinctive non-human appearance (having a mix of human and reptilian features.) But nothing sinister is implied nor intended. Reptoids are intelligent, communicative, of high consciousness, extremely sensitive persons who have values and feelings. What distinguishes these "Reptoid" Star Visitors to humans looking at them is their skin, which has a fine pebbly grain made up of small fine scales, rather than being smooth like Human skin. Their face has somewhat larger-than-human, with pale yellowish-green oval eyes with vertically-narrowed pupils. Their relatively-large pronounced nose structure comes to a blunt end creating a snout-like appearance. Because Reptoids' bodies are covered with fine scales, Humans visited by them are reminded of the skin on a reptile, hence the name. To complete the image, some Reptoids have a short rudimentary vestigial tail-like stub. The Reptoids radiate a very powerful emotional energy, sometimes displaying an emotional field so strong that, (as one experiencer described it), "it can almost floor you." But they are also very sensitive and kind. As another experiencer put it, "they have a heart the size of Texas." Reptoid Star Persons live on the fourth and only-inhabited planet of the red dwarf star Gliese 1061 (L372-58), located 12 light years from Earth. Like some other planetary members of Star Nations Alliance, Reptoids of Gliese 1061 have assisted in Star Nations-authorized cultural and spiritual outreach to select peoples on lesser-developed planets (including Earth). These educational-outreach visits happened on Earth in early Mesopotamia at the time when Reptoids first started assisting humans in learning the earliest elements of civilization: tools, writing, primitive-machine technology, rudimentary astronomy, etc. The result was that Mesopotamia [now modern Iraq] became known in history as one of Earth's earliest Cradles of Civilization. Statues of some of the 'gods' statues found in Iraq (earlier name: Mesopotamia) have scaly features. Now you know why. It was Reptilians who jump-started early Human civilization.
You can see a fairly accurate image of a Reptoid ET at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/quetzalcoatlreptoid.jpg
The manipulative people behind the UFO Cover-Up have leveraged the Reptilian look (jarring to some) to try to portray the Reptoids as the 'bad guys' of the Galaxy. This is ironic. If you can count to 100, your far-back ancestors were likely the first ones who were taught how to count by Reptoid teachers!
SAAMI ('LAPLANDERS') are an extraterrestrial people who migrated to Earth in 940 BC from their home planet orbiting Barnard's Star, 6 light-years from Earth. They landed and settled in the Arctic sections of Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the Kola Peninsula of northwest Russia above the Arctic Circle. They selected a dramatically cold climate (Earth's North Polar region) as being the climate most like their cold home world in the Barnard's Star system. The Saami are completely human-looking with broad faces, high cheekbones, tall foreheads, and fair-to-dark hair color. The Saami are anatomically distinguished by having only 24 teeth instead of the 32 teeth which humans normally have. And also these Saami people can regrow an adult tooth to replace any adult tooth which has been removed. Otherwise they are physically indistinguishable from Humans. Their frigid origin is evident by the practice of some Saami of swimming in far north cold lakes and snowy rivers in the dead of winter! Some of these Saami (Laplanders) migrated from northern Scandinavia to the U.S. and settled in northern-tier states such as upper Wisconsin. You can see a photo of two Saami women at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/SaamiSaraGuapBeaskasis.jpg
The extraterrestrial origin of the Saami and their presence here on Earth was reported by USAF Airman Charles Hall in his book Millennial Hospitality (2002). Hall had very high security clearance, and was given information about the Saami people's extraterrestrial origin.
SASQUATCH aka BIGFOOT aka YETI aka ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN, are an extraterrestrial race with origin on a planet orbiting star M-1, one of the stars consumed when the Crab Nebula disintegrated in a Super Nova. The Sasquatch are an intelligent telepathic extraterrestrial race which has taken residence mostly within Earth in natural secluded regions. Sasquatches are intelligent, sensitive, social among themselves but retiring near Humans, psychic persons who happen to have heavy body hair with coloration which adapts to their environment (for camouflage purposes). Sasquatches live in temperate-to-arctic climactic zones on Earth. In temperate zones their abundant body hair is brown to dark, while in arctic climate zones their hair is white. Sasquatches formerly lived on a cooling planet orbiting a dying star 6550 light years from Earth. Around 9550 B.C., the Star Nations Alliance future-viewed their plight, and so transplanted them to Earth to set up living here in time for survival. 2041 years later (in 7509 B.C.) the core of the dying star whose planet had been the Sasquatches' home world went critical-mass and blew up into a supernova we now know as the Crab Nebula (M1; NGC #1952; SN 1054). The light from that supernova first reached Earth in 1054 A.D., and was recorded by Chinese and Arab astronomers. Luckily by the time of that supernova, the Sasquatch were well settled into life on Earth. Being psychic, the Sasquatch, looking up and seeing that bright star suddenly appear in the sky (and which remained visible for two years), knew all that was left of their home world was a neutron star surrounded by glowing filaments. The Sasquatch then knew they moved away from home world just in time. You can see a photo of a Sasquatch male teen at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/sasquatchyoung.jpg
SHORT ZETAS are indigenous to the sole inhabitable planet in binary star system Zeta Reticuli. SHORT ZETAS are short two-legged people, three-and-a-half to four-and-three-quarter-feet tall. Most have grayish-white skin but a few have brown or blackish skin. Their fetus-shaped heads are quite large and hairless, with large all-black sloping, almond-shaped eyes with no pupils. Their eyes wrap a little around the side of their head. Below their eyes the head narrows in a V shape down to a small rounded jaw. They do not have a prominent external nose structure, having just two small nostril passages evident. Their mouths have no lips. They have thin torsos with no ribs showing and no external genitals nor breasts. They have long spindly but surprisingly strong arms reaching down to their knees, and hands having three long, non-tapering fingers with fingernails and an opposing thumb. Their legs are long and very thin. Skin color is chalky white. Councillor Asheoma te ka Meata of Star Nations Council says that the Short Zetas are renown for their working with various forms of energy, physical and psychic. The energy is used to do healing, or to induce changes in materials, etc. The Zetas also excel at gathering information, such that Star Nations rely on their on-the-ground reports from Earth, on Star Nations' watch list. You can see a photo of a Short Zeta at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/Kolta,bare.jpg
TALL WHITES are another very human-looking star race. They originated 55 million years ago on the third planet of the larger star in the Mu Velorum binary star system 116 light years from Earth. Some of them migrated to Earth. For 1600 years there been a Tall White colony on Earth. Their home here is a 45-minutes drive north of Las Vegas on U.S. Hwy 95 near Indian Springs if you had the ultra-high security clearance to enter there. If not, U.S. military guards are ordered to deny you admission and shoot any rushing the gate.
The Tall Whites are about six feet tall in adulthood, but grow up to eight feet tall later in life. They live to 800+ years old. They have generally human-looking features: and blond hair, generally worn short. Tall Whites women tend to wear their hair in a feminine form of short cut. Tall Whites are blue-eyed, and have slightly larger-than-human eyes which wrap slightly towards the side of their head. The Tall Whites otherwise look quite human, except that their skin is chalky-white in color. They have hands with four fingers, the tips of which end in finger nails. But the Tall Whites sometimes wear protectively two-inch-long claw-like prosthetics attached to their finger tips as personal protection when they are away from the home world. The typical clothing of the Tall Whites is a chalk-white jump suit of aluminized canvas-looking fabric. They also wear gloves of the same material, and use an open, white motorcycle-like helmet. Both the suit and the helmet emit a field of soft-white 'fluorescent' light extending three inches out. The intensity of this emitted light can be varied from soft to extremely bright and hard to look at without eye strain.
These Tall Whites have very high intelligence and an information-processing speed which USAF investigator Charles Hall estimated at 3-1/2 times faster that of a bright human. The Tall Whites's technology is quite advanced. One element of their technology is a transporter suit which they put on and which provides personal antigravity levitation and above-ground lateral movement, as well as force-field protection against attacks. That force field is so strong that it would slow a bullet to a stand-still, to where it would fall to the ground. Another element of their technology is their spacecraft. Their smaller scout ships can transport a limited number of individuals. Their scout craft are white in color, ellipsoidal or egg-shaped, with a molded flat bottom. The range of these scout craft permit travel as far as the Moon or even Mars. Though not into deep space. But the Tall Whites also have deep-space vessels which can travel between star systems. These have a row of large windows on each side, sort of like an airplane. Their size is comparable to that of a passenger train diesel locomotive, and has two windows in front much like a locomotive has. Their deep-space vessels are quite large sleek anti-gravity craft, 70 feet high, 300 feet wide, and 500 feet long. These vessels have pilot windows, as well as have regularly-spaced running lights along their edges. These vessels can range out many light years into space. Their top speed exceeds the speed of light by a considerable margin.
The Tall Whites back on home world Mu Velorum are highly spiritual, intelligent, peaceful, and assiduous explorers who create new colonies in uninhabited land masses on suitable planets. About 12 million years ago the Tall Whites of their origin-world, the third planet in the Mu Velorum-A system, established a colony on the second [b] planet in the Epsilon Indi A star system. This Epsilon Indi A - b Colony lives on the planet orbiting Epsilon Indi A, an orange dwarf star.
Over a thousand years ago the Epsilon Indi A-b Colony experienced internal social discord, with a group of about 1300 of its citizens there persistently deviating from the 11 Universal and 11 Spiritual Principles honored across the cosmos. Finally, the Colony authorities decided to gather them up and deport them to Earth (around 357-358 AD (Earth time)). There on Earth, the Tall White refuseniks were set up in residence in a de-facto exile-rehabilitation colony in the undeveloped desert of pre-Columbus western America in what is now called Indian Springs, Nevada, at Nellis Air Force Base Range. There they were advised to live and reflect on, and hopefully improve, their attitudes in a more spiritually- and philosophically-developed way. These Tall White exiles could not return to their home planet until they freely decided to change and start living in accordance with the 11 Universal and 11 Spiritual Principles of the cosmos. Those Tall Whites in exile have had lots of time to think and reflect -- so far over 1600 Earth years.
In the mid-1960s, the U.S. Air Force gave a U.S. Airman Charles Hall de-facto Above Top Secret SCI and Q clearances, as well as virtual carte blanche for making contact with the Tall Whites, who had settled in a remote desert region in the hills 15 miles north of Indian Springs, Navada on what is now known as the Nellis Air Force Base Range where Hall was assigned. Airman Hall got to know the Tall Whiters' leader, known as Range 4 Harry. Airman Charles Hall showed the Tall Whites that Humans are not savages. Hall wrote five books about his exotic experiences, the Millennial Hospitality books series, (quite interesting reading). The Air Force Generals appreciated the highly advanced technological help which the Tall Whites gave the U.S., and promoted Tall Whites leader Harry to the honorary rank of U.S. Air Force Captain.
[You can see a photo of the Tall White male leader Harry at: https://drboylan.com/StarVisitorPictures/tallwhitewithdarkwigandsunglassesatromeconf.jpg ]
TALL WHITES' leader 'Captain Harry' and his female consort known as 'The Teacher', have been working on raising the moral behavior and standards of the Tall White exiles to conform with the 11 Universal and 11 Spiritual Principles (observed by all Star Nations member worlds.)
In mid-2021 everyone in the Tall Whites Colony made a formal commitment to conform to those 11 Universal and 11 Spiritual Principles! Thus they are now technically eligible to reunite with their home world. But they have grown fond of Earth, and have decided to remain here, even though they are no longer mandatory 'exiles'. The reformed Tall Whites here could provide highly useful if human authorities decide use their insights gained and have them work in rehabilitation programs with less morally and spiritually-advanced Humans, such as convicts or ex-mercenaries. In this way the Tall Whites can share with prisoners and ex-mercs their own path of reformed personal growth. [And the Tall Whites would build up further positive karma for themselves.] Everybody wins! _Great new Federal program. (Vice- President Kamala Harris, are you listening?)
ARTIFICIALLY-CREATED INTELLIGENT BIO-MECHANICAL HYBRIDIZED ANDROIDS (CONSCIOUS SENTIENT ROBOTS) MADE BY STAR PEOPLE. [NOT THE SAME AS LIVING EXTRATERRESTRIAL PERSONS]: Most UFOs are staffed by flesh-and-blood star people like Esxltanso and EBE-3. Only a minority of UFOs visiting Earth are operated by sentient AI hybrid (flesh + bionics) crews, and that is done mainly for safety reasons on high-risk missions, like to U.S. secret [ET-Tech] research National Laboratories like Dugway Proving Ground. Star People consider visiting Earth's ET technology Labs to be like venturing into a 'Wild West'. (Quite justifiably given the "Cowboy-culture" of the Defense Department's military-intelligence contractors working security at Area-51, Tonopah Test Range-Area 52, White Sands Missile Range, Dugway Proving Ground, etc. ]
Some UFOs~starcrafts have mixed crews from various star races. Thus, there could be: "Jawas", "Praying Mantis" folk, "Reptoids", Zetas, or another race all joining together on their ship in coordinated effort to carry out an exploratory, scientific, medical, or educational mission.
The above listing of Star Races is not complete. Undoubtedly many more races are out there waiting for humans to encounter them and report back. We as humans can be challenged by intelligent life that looks so different from us, a challenge which can be unsettling at first. But it can also remind us that the Source of All (God~Great Spirit~Yahweh~Allah~First Principle) is myriad in his/her/their expression of lifeforms, including intelligent lifeforms, across the vast Universe. Only a most anthropocentric person could be offended by the Supreme Source's decision to allow intelligence to be packaged in other anatomical containers besides the Human body.
We Humans are a special genetic mix of intelligent life, Star Visitor messengers have told us, made up partly of Earth primate [bonobo] DNA and partly of Star Visitor [Altairian] genes. We are thus genuinely of Earth; but we also have significant star heritage (Star Visitor genes) in our genome.
In addition, the very elements and minerals which make up our bodies (such as potassium, sodium, carbon, gold, and iron) are the fertile debris hurled from the alchemical furnaces of exploding supernova stars and distributed far across space as to eventually coalesce into more complex atoms, without which our bodies would not exist. As Joni Mitchell wrote in her 'Woodstock' anthem song: "We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion-year-old carbon." And so are our Visitors from the Stars. Thus, when any of us has an encounter with a Star Visitor, do not doubt for one minute that we are truly meeting "our distant [star] cousins".
- Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Councillor of Earth
Addendum: Further Factual Findings About Star Visitors
Subtitle: "Don't Waste a Minute on the Scare Propaganda About "Evil Alien Invaders". All that is Disinformation spewing from batallions of very well-financed psychological-warfare operatives, designed to make humans wary of Star Visitors. Purpose: So that the Plutocratic Oligarchs controlling Earth from 'behind the curtain' can continue without fear the Star Visitors will expose them and cause them to lose power."
My research findings are that the universe is an extremely broad place, harboring countless myriad of intelligent life forms at various stages of evolution, intellectual and moral development. It is obvious that in such a universe there would be and are intelligent beings at levels of development as primitive as we are, and even lesser developed. To cut to the chase, it does not matter how many civilizations are ahead of us in development, at roughly equal level, or behind us in development. As a practical matter, what counts is the societies which are in contact with Earth.
Fortunately for Earth, we have been contacted by member societies of the Star Nations. Star Nations is a galaxy-wide coalition, all of whose members subscribe to the 11 Universal Principles and the 11 Spiritual Principles of the cosmos as valid metaphysical, spiritual, and moral guidance.
(You can see these Principles, honored across the cosmos as from Source/God and universally valid by going to: www.drboylan.com/11.11Laws.html )
Because these societies adhere to this set of principles, their interaction with Earth is careful, moral and just, and has as its objective the fostering of our development past the crucial faltering stage we have been in.
So, to review the obvious corollaries: Are there some civilizations out in space less developed, as aggressive, as territorial, as overreaching, as some on Earth? Yes, there are. Luckily for us, Star Nations provides an exclusionary cordon of protection around Earth, so that we do not have to deal with such societies.
One cannot arrive at a correct understanding of the civilizations of space by extrapolating from Earth experience. In Anthropology, this is called the Anthropomorphic Fallacy: imputing to others thoughts and behaviors based on our own cultural set. "As above, so below" doesn't work. We are not the universal template for the cosmos. Rather, the proper approach is the scientific approach is based on dispassionate and careful evaluation of genuine evidence. The evidence amassed by the community of behavioral scientists specializing in ET contact is that we are in contact with more developed and benign races. Several Popes have made the same statement.
The basic course in Logic teaches us to reject the Reduction-To-Absurdity Fallacy. So, to posit that if Star Visitors are not as underdeveloped as we are, "the rest of the universe must be inhabited only by saints and angels" is such a reductio ad absurdum. The clear evidence from those who have had actual, genuine contact and communication with the Star Visitors indicates that they also face challenges, sometimes have divergent points of view that they must then discuss and endeavor to resolve. The members of the Star Nations have feelings, hopes, aspirations, feel pain, mourn loss, suffer disappointment. No life is immune from struggle and karma. The search for evidence in an arena such as Star Visitors contact with humans is complicated, laced as it is by deliberately planted disinformation, negative propaganda, human deceit and treachery, attention-seeking pseudo-victims, planted disinformation-sowing "ufologists" (actually working for the UFO Cover-Up organization), and deliberately deceptive stealth kidnappings by rogue units who then abuse, drug and hypnotically reprogram their victims to either misremember their ordeal as an "alien abduction", or to not remember it at all but instead carry around in their mind false information and programming to be assumed as their own thinking. In such a deliberately confusing smoke-and-mirrors environment it is easy to become misled. And many are misled.
When Cabal operatives plant stories and supposed "government leaks" about "aliens with bad intentions" seducing the government with offers of advanced weapons technology in exchange for government permission for experimentation on humans, such lurid tales betray their origin as the projections of rogue human military and intelligence operatives working for the Cabal organization. Their propaganda story cited earlier is a complete distortion of the facts.
The actual facts are that Star Visitor races of the Star Nations Alliance have made contact with certain governmental officials, as well as millions of ordinary citizens. As documented by Dr. Michael Wolf of the NSC, USAF Colonel Steve Wilson, and others, Star Visitors have both requested Earth governments to prepare and then inform their people about Star Nations contact and communication; and have meanwhile offered assistance to Human scientists in advancing Human understanding in astronomy, physics, biology, medicine, electronics, philosophy, cosmology, spirituality, etc. This assistance is benign, and intended as a sign of good faith and intentions. Since 1945 humans have made spectacular advances in medicine, communications, science and engineering as a result of this information sharing. The Star Visitors are not to blame if certain rogue military and Cabal operatives steal and misapply some of these benign technologies to weapons purposes.
The visits which some Star Visitors make involving scientific and medical procedures have various purposes. In some cases Humans are being upgraded to operate at a higher level physiologically, mentally, and psychically. In other instances the reproductive material of a given person is genetically upgraded so that when that person later goes on to have a child, that child will operate at a much higher level in terms of physical, emotional, mental and psychic development, and be a Star Kid. In yet other occasions the Star Visitor examine samples of the population to learn about such things as how fast and how far pollution is affecting our bodies and the food we eat. They also check on samples of mental development, attunement to spiritual realities, and their current level of moral reasoning. Other visits serve as educational seminars, either individually or in group learning settings. During these educational sessions various things are taught and shown, including scenes of probable futures if Humans continue on their current course, or, in some instances, Star Seed adults and Star Kids are shown important missions which they can decide about taking on.
Why do the Star Visitors bother to intervene? Because they see that Earth is on an extremely dangerous course, facing collapse of ecosystems, nuclear war, biological warfare, continued over-concentration of power and wealth for total domination of fellow humans by the plutocratic cartel of autocratic oligarchs and their minions known as the Cabal, and potential failure for us to reach our potential as a mature species: constructing, and living in, a society of high social, moral and spiritual development. The Star Visitors' response is like that of a fireman-paramedic responding to a 911 call about a person unconscious on the floor of a burning house. If the Star Nations act with a sense of urgency, and don't wait for cowardly governments to eventually get around to informing their citizens about official contact, their sense of urgency seems eminently appropriate.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Councillor of Earth